本コースでは、実績ある設計パターンを利用し、信頼性と効率に優れたソリューションを Google Cloud で構築する方法を学習します。本コースは Architecting with Google Compute Engine または Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine の後続コースであり、これらいずれかのコースで取り上げられているテクノロジーを習得済みであることが受講の前提になります。講義、設計アクティビティ、ハンズオンラボを通して、信頼性と可用性が高く、安全でコスト効率に優れた Google Cloud デプロイメントを設計するためのビジネス要件と技術的要件をバランス良く定義する方法を学びます。 このコースでは、以下のスキルについて学習します。 ● 問い、テクニック、設計上の考慮事項からなるツールセットを適用する ● アプリケーションの要件を定義し、KPI、SLO、SLI として具体的に表す ● アプリケーション要件を細分化し、適切なマイクロサービス境界を見つける ●Google Cloud のデベロッパー ツールを利用して、自動化された先進的なデプロイ パイプラインを設定する ● アプリケーションの要件に基づき、適切な Cloud Storage サービスを選択する ● クラウド ネットワークとハイブリッド ネットワークを設計する ● 主要なパフォーマンス指標とコストのバランスを保ちつつ、信頼性がありスケーラブルで復元性に優れたアプリケーションを実装する ●アプリケーションに適した Google Cloud デプロイメント サービスを選択する ● クラウドのアプリケーション、データ、インフラストラクチャを保護する ● Google Cloud ツールを使用してサービスレベル目標とコストをモニタリングする 前提条件 ● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization または Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine の先行コースを修了している、または同等の経験を有すること ● コマンドライン ツールと Linux オペレーティング システム環境の基礎を習熟していること ● システム運用の経験(オンプレミスまたはパブリック クラウド環境でのアプリケーションのデプロイや管理を含む)を有すること
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    ***FREE Certification Promotion for 2021*** Alibaba Cloud is now offering a free certification on the newest generation of our Elastic Compute Service. Gain a thorough understanding of what set the 6th Generation ECS instance apart, and why you should be considering it for all your Cloud computing workloads. Course Description This course demonstrates how to use Alibaba Cloud Container Service and Container Registry Service to design and develop architectures related to cloud native applications, services, and security solutions. This course helps you understand the basic concepts of cloud native, the commercial implementation of container technology, and Kubernetes technology as well as extra benefits provided by Alibaba Cloud. This course is intended to prepare users to take the Alibaba Cloud Native ACA certification exam. To earn an official Alibaba Cloud certificate please join the Cloud Native courses on the Academy's website: DevOps Specialty: Using Kubernetes to Manage Containers: Alibaba Cloud and CNCF Cloud Native Open Class:
      This course introduces you to cybersecurity for the cloud. We'll learn and apply classic security techniques to today’s cloud security problems. We start with a deceptively simple and secure web service and address the problems arising as we improve it. We’ll analyze recent cloud security vulnerabilities using standard, systematic techniques. We’ll build our own web service case studies and construct security solutions for them. Our toolkit contains classic security concepts like Least Privilege and Separation of Duty, as well as more technical cryptographic and access control techniques.
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        Salesforce Commerce Cloud, formerly called Demandware, is a cloud-based service for unifying the way businesses engage with customers over any channel or device. Now a days E-Commerce is growing rapidly. Every merchant or seller wants to do online selling. Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a platform where a large E-Commerce business can be handled very easily. All the cloud services make this very easy for Merchants as well as for Customers. Create Multi regional Online Stores , Easy Product selling , Best order management & customer handling. This Course is dedicated to : - Spread Knowledge of this Cloud base Salesforce product. - Easy tutorials for Merchants so that they can handle Business Manager/ Admin very easily. - Tutorials for beginers as well as Advance developers. - Coding Standards for Backend as well as frontend developers. - Solutions to common issues in Sales force commerce cloud development. Lets spread the knowledge of Salesforce Commerce Cloud . Topics covered in the sessions are as following : Introduction to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Understand Business Manager Connect Salesforce Commerce Cloud Using UXStudio & Eclipse Catalog & Products Campaigns & Promotions Customers Groups Cartridge or File Structure of Salesforce Commerce Cloud Concept of Pipelines At the End of course you will be able to start Administration & Development in Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
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          Cloud Computing has really changed the way companies looking into their digital Infrastructure now a days. Cloud computing with its unique paradigms brings in new opportunities and challenges for developers and administrators worldwide. With our unique curriculum we have tried to create the content which will bring beginners up to speed with Cloud technologies. The Course will start with basic introduction to cloud concepts like SAAS, PAAS and IAAS. You will also learn how Linux systems is changing the Infrastructure landscape worldwide. You will then learn to use popular cloud technologies like Google Compute Engine , Amazon AWS and Redhat open shift. The last unit covers Virtualization Technologies to provide you a holistic understanding of cloud computing environment. This course is surely the fastest and smartest way to get started with Cloud computing technologies.
            This course provides a holistic experience of optimally configuring SAP on Google Cloud. Participants will learn to configure SAP on Google Cloud, and what best practices are, leaving the course with actionable experience to configure SAP on Google Cloud and run SAP workloads on Google Cloud. >>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
              This course introduces participants to the strategies to migrate from a source environment to Google Cloud. Participants are introduced to Google Cloud's fundamental concepts and more in depth topics, like creating virtual machines, configuring networks and managing access and identities. The course then covers the installation and migration process of Migrate for Compute Engine, including special features like test clones and wave migrations.
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                This course provides an introduction to data center networking technologies, more specifically software-defined networking. It covers the history behind SDN, description of networks in data-centers, a concrete data-center network architecture (Microsoft VL2), and traffic engineering.
                  This course provides an overview of Computer Vision (CV), Machine Learning (ML) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and how to build and train a CV model using the Apache MXNet and GluonCV toolkit. The course discusses artificial neural networks and other deep learning concepts, then walks through how to combine neural network building blocks into complete computer vision models and train them efficiently. This course covers AWS services and frameworks including Amazon Rekognition, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth, and Amazon SageMaker Neo, AWS Deep Learning AMIs via Amazon EC2, AWS Deep Learning Containers, and Apache MXNet on AWS. The course is comprised of video lectures, hands-on exercise guides, demonstrations, and quizzes. Each week will focus on different aspects of computer vision with GluonCV. In week one, we will present some basic concepts in computer vision, discuss what tasks can be solved with GluonCV and go over the benefits of Apache MXNet. In the second week, we will focus on the AWS services most appropriate to your task. We will use services such as Amazon Rekognition and Amazon SageMaker. We’ll review the differences between AWS Deep Learning AMIs and Deep Learning containers. Finally, there are demonstrations on how to set up each of the services covered in this module. Week three will focus on setting up GluonCV and MXNet. We will look at using pre-trained models for classification, detection and segmentation. During week four and five, we will go over the fundamentals of Gluon, the easy-to-use high-level API for MXNet: understanding when to use different Gluon blocks, how to combine those blocks into complete models, constructing datasets, and writing a complete training loop. In the final week, there will be a final project where you will apply everything you’ve learned in the course so far: select the appropriate pre-trained GluonCV model, apply that model to your dataset and visualize the output of your GluonCV model.
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                    The Developer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program prepares students with critical cloud computing skills in how to deploy, build, migrate, and monitor applications on Azure.